Monday, July 27, 2009

Out of the Blue

Sometimes confession is good for the soul.

Like saying Birthers are the Joe McCarthies our time. They are the shit of American Assholes.

Talk about silly, congress is afraid of these whack jobs and their own republican party will not shut them up. Or is it they can not shut them up. These guys backed Shit for Brains Bush, a known coward, bully, druggie and son of CIA. They are the brown shirts of this era, next thing you they will start wearing armbands to show allegiance to the cause.

Ok, ok, I'm an Asshole, but I'm not one of those Sillies.

The (another) video features an angry woman in red, armed with a birth certificate and a small American flag, scolding Rep. Mike Castle, R-Del., at a town meeting. She is angry, she said, because President Obama "is not an American citizen. He is a citizen of Kenya."
Castle, a descendant of Benjamin Franklin, seemed to not know how to respond. He calmly replied that Obama is a citizen. Some audience members booed. "You can boo," Castle told them, "but he is a citizen of the United States." (author's note: what this article leaves out is that silly woman got every swinging dick in the room to stand and pledge allegence to the flag, like a bunch of school boys being bullied by the school dike)

There's no good way to address a "birther" - that's the term for conspiracy theorists who believe that Obama has produced a fake Hawaiian birth certificate to cover up the fact that he really was born in Kenya.
Facts don't matter to these geniuses. They don't care that numerous major news organizations, the nonpartisan and Hawaii's GOP Gov. Linda Lingle have vouched for the authenticity of Obama's birth certificate. Or that the Honolulu Advertiser ran a birth announcement in August 1961.
No, they go for the theory that Obama's white mother, Stanley Dunham Obama, chose to give birth not in Oahu with her parents nearby, but in a hospital in a Third World country. Then she was so clever that she ran a birth announcement in the local paper in case someday her son with the politically catchy name of Barack Hussein Obama II ran for president.
Why didn't Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign make an issue of Obama's noncitizenship during the Democratic primary if his legitimacy was so assailable? Apparently the Clinton brainiacs aren't as smart as the birthers.
News stories suggest that the birther movement is growing stronger. Maybe the birthers have just gotten louder. These days, all it takes is one nut on to rate a week's worth of TV panel discussions.
On the other hand, Rep. Bill Posey, R-Fla., introduced a bill requiring future presidential candidates to produce a birth certificate. Posey's bill has at least nine co-sponsors, including Rep. John Campbell, R-Newport Beach.
Campbell is a good lawmaker, who told the Los Angeles Times' Doyle McManus that he opposed funding for the Boeing C-17 cargo plane because "I don't think it's right to support something that's built in your district to the detriment of the national interest. It leads to overspending and deficits and, well, corruption."
Yet Campbell was reduced to arguing on MSNBC's "Hardball" that while he believed Obama is a citizen, Posey's measure would put to rest any questions about a future president's legal status. Nice try, but the birthers won't acknowledge documents that don't feed their paranoid theory.
As Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs noted Monday, the birthers don't care about facts; they heed the siren song of righteous victimhood. They feel the injustice of losing an election, so they concoct a plot that tells them they didn't lose fair and square - the election was stolen. They are no different from Democrats who claimed that voter fraud in Ohio rigged the 2004 election for George W. Bush - except that Democratic politicians feel little pressure to acknowledge or denounce the fringe elements of their party.
Every time the birthers open their mouths, they hurt themselves and add polish to the image of Barack Obama, our American president.
To comment, e-mail Debra J. Saunders at
This article appeared on page A - 11 of the San Francisco Chronicle.


  1. First, that asshole video is a jewel of a find. Still laughing over that one. Emailed it to my brother and wife at work.

    Ok, the does rhyme with Birchers, doesn't it. It would not matter if Obama was born at the fucking North Pole. His mother was a U.S. Citizen. That makes him a U.S. citizen. No less of a citizen than John McCain who was born in Panama...NOT the canal...PANAMA...of U.S. CITIZEN parents. End of stupid fucking story.

    This today on Associated Press: "I ... have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawaii State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen," Health Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino said in a brief statement. "I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago."

    Oh, wait...his name is Fukino...fuck, maybe HE's part of the conspiracy also, having a gook name like that. DUMB SHITS!

    What really galls my ass with this is, this would not be an issue if Obama did not have a black father. They are pissed that they lost the election BY A LANDFUCKINGSLIDE...they are pissed that Obama is half-black...they are pissed that Obama's mother was married to a blackass nigger. That is what this is about...pure and simple. It ain't got nothin' to do with the constitution.

    Goddamn this thing raises my fucking blood pressure. I am sick to death of these stupid ass motherfuckers! As you so eloquently pointed out on my blog, we need to bring back dueling in this country. I'm a goddamn expert shot. Bring em on.

  2. Hey, look at the bright side. Because of these assholes Arnold will never be president! That is a good thing, isn't it?
    Besides, I was born in Panama. Not the Canal Zone. Panama City. Try to tell me I can't be president and I'll blow your... wait a minute. If I had known that about McCain, I might have voted for him. After all, you gotta support a fellow Zonie. Don't you, my friends.

  3. Jadedj...I believe you are very close to the mark. The Republicans cannot say that they are pissed they lost by a landslide to a nigger, so they attempt to invalidate the Negro.
    Mr. C....Yes I suppose one should vote for a follow Zonie, but he was Zoned on Sarah's Palin. Turns out that is the new drug of choice of the big R's.

  4. Shouldn't Birther have a capital?

  5. Hey James, apparently even the New York Times doesn't know which is the correct spelling. In one article alone, they spelled it both ways. My conclusion is, if one IS a birther, it is capitalized. If one is in contempt of birthers, it isn't.

    Same deal on Urban Dictionary.

    Sorry Punch, I apologize for butting in here.

  6. James...good call.
    jadedj...thanks for the help, I agree Birthers are wingnuts and birthers are ladies who work with the mid-wife.


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