Saturday, November 14, 2009

Nuff said

I have it upon Good Authority

Lord Ganesha

is inclined to give to all a sweet kiss.


  1. I have it upon Good Authority

    Lord Ganesha

    is inclined to give to all a sweet kiss...

    at $4.99 a pound.

  2. walkinM...laughing out loud, you are the man.
    love and peace and all that kinda stuff.
    you had a good nap it seems.

  3. RYC @ jadedj's: "28 Minutes. I could pick up a whore, bang 'er and put her back where I picked her up in that time. Just be out $30"

    Only $30? Damn, is that the goin' rate these days, Punch? No wonder business is so damn slow...I'm overchargin'...a LOT!

  4. Uhmmmm. Depth of field or smudge filter? Either way, it looks great.

  5. MeanDonnaJ...well OK, I'm busted, I made it up, must be more like $300 these days?
    Mr. Charleston...Depth of field, close 1:1 wide open. New lens, I'm just figuring it out.


Gems of thought


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email, love being alive, the alterntiative has lousy hours, liberal and don't care if you give me cracked corn.