Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

This is sent in love and peace for all who have died, justly, for their true cause.

Ok for the un-inicated, this is indeed a theatre (theater) of the Absurd…I don’t know what the hell is going on but
JS was not….
Think about it….????
Or not?????
Google is in a hostile take over, the TEAbagger’s might have …. Blah, blah, blah……
From the brilliant readers in a Theatre of the Absurd. (see the last post, that lead to this and the one before that lead to that and the one before that lead to that and lead to this.  (I think)
 So, it seems to me there is more going on here than meets the eye. I believe the Rapture is, indeed, happening. It simply isn't happening like any of us thought it would or in a manner that we've been led to believe. It would seem Punch is losing communication with those of us who are transcending because the transcendence is the exact opposite of what we imagined.
The pure are not leaving this earth, the impure are, only in the other direction. They are descending.
Say hello to Ronnie Reagan when you get there Punch.

 Have you tried preying, Punch? It did wonders for Mr. C. 

 No JJ, "preying" is what got him in trouble in the first place. Try "praying", that might help. 

 I'm totally confused as to what has went (sic) on in this part of the blogosphere. Comments hither and yon, or is it dither and yawn?
Anyway, Happy Memorial Day, eh?

 I'm with Doug, but the preying part is quite good. 

pithy gems from the peanut gallery.... how do you stand being around all these witty comrades?? the brilliance must be painful to behold sometimes....
har har...
hope your holiday weekend was decent 

 Well, what do you expect? Look what you called your blog.

I rest my case.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

What the Fresh Fuckin' Hell. 5-2911

I give up. 
JJed whatsit... is right. you are to blame.
Susan...if you are really interested read the last few post.  Google is bent. girl, has (have) the right ideas

Something still ain't wrong,
Something still ain't right.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

What Fresh Hell - Blame Mr. Charleston 5-28-2011

Ahh, but the strawberries that's... that's where I had them. They laughed at me and made jokes but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with... geometric logic... that a duplicate key to the wardroom icebox DID exist, and I'd have produced that key if they hadn't of pulled the Caine out of action. I, I, I know now they were only trying to protect some fellow officers...

jadedj said...
You guys are starting to sound like my wife...and while I am on the subject, I want to get this off my chest...I am an old man awash and living in a sea of femaleness...and convoluted logic. I give up, my boat leaks, there is a breach in the bulwark and I am not a match for the assault. I also would like to add, and note that I have a message for...Marvin. Marvin, your dad called and wants you to come over and see his new Sig Automatic. All is forgiven, he says.

Yes the Joy's of the married.

Ahh married life.  Punch

the walking man said...
I was on a ship once with breached bulwark. We went to sea anyway because we were bad ass. Oh yeah Marvin says to tell you...he don't need to see the gun again he bought it in the first place. Seeing it twice was enough for him.

jadedj said...
wm...HA! Snorted my coffee through my nose.

Mr. Charleston said...
I guess it must be Memorial Day. Old war movies, guns... it'll be flags and patriotism next. And, of course, the Newt.
Mr. Charleston said...
Don't know about the comment thingy Punch. If you left one, it ain't there.
intelliwench said...
I have a feeling that I missed something, but not really. Before I die, though, I want to bend elbows with all y'all...
jadedj said...
intell, you missed one of the damned finest photos ever shopped, because a certain behaired joker cannot follow instructions unless they are written in Pidgin English..."Da buttin' load da pickur", for..."click to upload the picture"...or Pig Latin, "Ickclay otay uploadway ethay icturepay" for the same phrase as above. That is what you missed. Btw, when you say y'all you don't really mean all in the same place at the same you? Ifway osay, areway ouyay outway ofway ouryay indmay?
Ok, ok, you be the judge, Judy.  The Photo.

Friday, May 27, 2011

What Fresh Hell - Blame JadedJ 5-2011

Beats me but something is going on.
Marvin Gaye was right.

jadedj said...

where is the goddamn photo, pal? I sold my sole and my shoes and missed the fucking upward thingy and you can't even post one lousy photoshopped photo? WTF?

the walking man said...

OK. Damn it JJ it's your fault!

Mr. Charleston said...

Now this is a novel friggin idea if ever there was one. Screw the post, just publish a bunch of comments. In fact, if one were clever you could just make up you own comments, like: Wow! This is the best blog ever!

Or, If one is really clever, publish a greatest hits of actual comments over the years.
Whatever. But I concur, there's no doubt it's JJ's fault, whatever it is he's at fault for.

Ahh, but the strawberries that's... that's where I had them. They laughed at me and made jokes but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with... geometric logic... that a duplicate key to the wardroom icebox DID exist, and I'd have produced that key if they hadn't of pulled the Caine out of action. I, I, I know now they were only trying to protect some fellow officers...

JJ...the photo is in the wardroom icebox.
the walking on as always.
mr. charleston...thanks for the tip.
I'm about to get 'scart of bloggo stuff.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

What Fresh Hell - Blame JadedJ

First let me say that the Blogg what'sit is acting weird.

Sos I’m posting comments to the last old post on this next new post.

Post Haste.
To Witt:

Mr. Charleston…glad you agree.

Jadedj…go ahead make my day.  I had to fight the feeling also.

The walking man…Jon Stewart is kicking ass with it also.

Jaded J…offers the following for you viewing pleasure.

J my Man…I applauded your restraint.

Can't post the photo from JJ.

 Nothing is wrong, but something ain't right.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What Fresh Hell - Santorum 2011

Santorum (san-TOR-um) n.
1. The frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex.

2.  Richard John "Rick" Santorum (born May 10, 1958) is a former United States Senator from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  Santorum is a member of the Republican Party and was the chairman of the Senate Republican Conference.

Santorum is considered both a social and fiscal conservative.  He is particularly known for his stances on the U.S. invasion of Iraq, Social Security, intelligent design, homosexuality and the Terri Schiavo case.

Go Ahead Google It. 
Double Dog Dare You.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Jacksonville Skyline Rag. May 1, 2011

Here's the deal.

I know it is too wide!

Can you see the whole thing if you click.

I will not do this again.


Burma Shave

Thursday, May 5, 2011

St. Augestine, Florida Gamble Rodgers Folk Festival 2011 part 2

A pal of mine suggested I take a photo and a video of a topic.  Well here are the results.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Say What? Gamble Rodgers FF 2011

revision re: mr. jadedj...  please revise the banner to 999 width.
I'll try your numbers.

I had a great day in Jacksonville, Florida.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

St. Augestine, Florida Gamble Rodgers Folk Festival 2011

Hangin' with Mr. Charleston.
Went Window Shopping with the Saints of Augustine.


About Me

My photo
email, love being alive, the alterntiative has lousy hours, liberal and don't care if you give me cracked corn.