Thursday, April 14, 2016

What Fresh Hell. 4/13/16

Mural downtown Jacksonville, Florida.
It is my contention that Muralists, working at large scale, on the exterior side of architectural surfaces, need to understand, a photographer who has trained his eye to misbehave, reserves the right use that inspiration, as a beginning point for some misbegotten adventure.
I don’t know if I like this or not.  Jerry Ulesman said ‘if you can think of it do it.’ 
Not a bad piece of advice.  Liberating.
Then I think of the model.  All that work and preparation and worry and smile and make up and dress and shoes and:
“He Did What?”
“MY E.Y.E.S!”
“That’s it!”
(He just caused me to use up all the exclamation marks for the next 200,000 words.)
Well you see, right there.  That is where I slink away.  It’s ok to anger the muralist, hell they come and go.  But the model, man, there are hard to come by.

The following is in response to comments, by the walking man and intelliwench.

The Walking Man: thank you for your insight.  I will attempt to respond as best I can.
Here is the mural straight up.  It is confusing to me.  This guy did another mural across town: it was Calvary, all three of them cats, hanging there with the same skulls and doves at the base of the mural.  (I’ll post it soon) Still ain’t right with that one.  The X’s on the wall, is the beatenest thing, I’ve see. Some kind of inability to draw blue skys.

Here it is in B/W, with the background.  I tried to get the roof of the church in the next block to look like a hat/or crown.  Don’t think I got it.

Here is me messin’ with ya’. I wanted a large set of eyes, with a lot of makeup.  Found a web girl and put her in. wanted it to look like a masquerade ball.  Don’t think i made it.
Think I’ll make the eyes bigger.



  1. I must truly be aging out, I used to be able to understand the muralist and their objective. The Rivera Detroit Industrial Murals have all sorts of hidden clues and keys within the larger context. Looking at this one though leaves me wanting a posted explanation of interpretation.

    1. Thanks for the question, the walking man, I will try to answer by editing the post.
      hope it works

  2. One of these things is not like the others....

  3. Since I have not seen the original all falls flat for me...the narrative notwithstanding. How about posting the

    1. the cropped color photo is the original clean, third one up from here. The one just below 'here it is straight up.'


Gems of thought


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email, love being alive, the alterntiative has lousy hours, liberal and don't care if you give me cracked corn.